Goodbye Lullaby .

Yo ! Watzup Korea ? XD
Haha , why ehh ? Everyone gettin so stress this week . Weird weird weird .
Hurm . I wanna share some songs with you guys .

Hey hey you you i dont like your boyfren ~ No way no way i think you need a new dad . XD
Oh yeah baby , she's back with her new album ~ GOODBYE LULLABY .
Okie i should post this last week but i was too busy ( konon konon nye ) .

I like her since i'm 12 . XD
Maybe bcause we have de same personaliti - KASAR + NAKAL = TOMBOY ! XD
All her music video was so COOL and AWESOME , so satu hari tak tengok muka dia aku boleh jadi gila . XD
Btw , dont you think that she's GORGEOUS ?
His face his skin his nose his eyes his lips his hair her voice her BODY ! . . Juz too perfect .

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Avril Pictures, Images and Photos

Avril Lavigne Pictures, Images and Photos

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avril lavigne Pictures, Images and Photos

How i miss de old her . XD
* Sorry i'm too lazy too post her songs so if you wanna find her songs juz find in Youtube okie ? Mianhae XD *


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